AP-5 (2)
Basic info

First appearance: Star Wars Rebels (TV Series)
Model: RA-7 Protocol Droid


AP-5, nicknamed AP; was a masculine RA-7 protocol droid who served as an analyst droid on a Galactic Republic attack cruiser during the Clone Wars. At the end of the conflict, the Republic was replaced by the Galactic Empire, and AP-5 was relegated to inventory duty aboard the cargo transport 241, an Imperial cargo ship. In the third year before the Battle of Yavin, AP-5 encountered the astromech droid Chopper when the latter hid in the cargo ship while evading several pursuing stormtroopers. Tired of being mistreated, the inventory droid befriended Chopper, helping him steal the cargo ship and providing his rebel allies with a suitable location for a secret base. After joining the rebellion, AP-5 continued working as an inventory droid for the Phoenix Cell at Chopper Base on the planet Atollon. Despite his grumpy and sarcastic personality, AP-5 remained loyal to his new rebel masters. During a mission on Wynkahthu, AP-5 played an indispensable role in helping the Spectres to recover cargo from a derelict Imperial cargo ship. Later, AP-5 along with the Lasat warrior Garazeb Orrelios and Chopper helped to stop the E-XD-series infiltrator droid EXD-9 from reporting their base's location to the Empire.

Complete list

AP-5 | Sheathipede-class Shuttle (Unique) AP-5, Escaped Analyst Droid | Sheathipede-class Shuttle (Unique)
AP-5 | Sheathipede-class Shuttle (Unique)
AP-5, Escaped Analyst Droid | Sheathipede-class Shuttle (Unique)
Tags (5)

Phantom II (Sheathipede-class Shuttle) | Sheathipede-class Shuttle | Ghost (VCX-100 Light Freighter) | VCX-100 Light Freighter | Spectres

Tags (5)

Phantom II (Sheathipede-class Shuttle) | Sheathipede-class Shuttle | Ghost (VCX-100 Light Freighter) | VCX-100 Light Freighter | Spectres

Last updated: 17.04.2021 15:26:44